Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Mona Lisa inspired bum illustration

This is a detail of an illustration for a long canceled project. I thought it would interesting to use the graceful pose of the Mona Lisa and use it in an opposite way. I'm working on a color version and will post it when it's done.

This was the last project I accepted with no money in advance but with the promise of sharing the profits. After most of the graphic novel was illustrated, ( 50 small b/w illustrations created in Painter) the author said the project is over. Done. And he moved to CA.

Here's a video from youtube that explains the frustration...

The Vendor Client relationship - in real world situations

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

MLS art

This illustration was created for a Realtor for a MLS listing. I used mostly Photoshop for the house and Painter for the sky and grass.

Monday, October 26, 2009

...nary a nibble...

Here's a cartoon created in hopes of attracting some cartoon work from a local corporation... A nice piece but, nary a nibble. The 'joke' is that a lawyer is so desperate that he's forced to used the 'Flexbumker' gambit. Drawing a funny looking pool toy is usually gold but, not this time... Guess the law, pool toys and humor can't be mixed.

This was created in Painter and Photoshop

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Art

This blog of mine is dedicated to my art and those who have in influenced my growth as an illustrator. It will be painfully obvious that I am not a writer and am in fact, hoping that the human race reverts back to pointing and grunting. Until that time, I'll have to punch these keys with my fists and hope the output is in the form of words.

I'm a graduate of the School of Associated Arts (now The College of Visual Arts) in St. Paul MN were I studied graphic design and illustration. This was a time when computers were just coming on the scene but had not yet made it into the classrooms. As a result, my training was all based in the traditional methods and tools. But, after mistakenly drinking the paint thinner in stead of pop, I switched over to the digital side of things and never looked back.

And my paint thinner consumption has decreased almost one third of what it was.

All my current work is created on a Mac using Photoshop and Painter. For me, this was a life changer. Working on a Mac has helped me in techniques that in the past, seemed to be beyond my ability. Painter is just a tool but, it suits me.

Above is a page from an unpublished book written by Tom Maggi that we're sending out to publishers. It's about a child who has nightmares about monsters, bullys and things with no names but, the boy has his father to protect him.

That's it for now.